Captain: Francois Botha
Hailing from South Africa, Francois has been working in the marine industry for a number of years. He first came to the BVI in the wake of hurricanes Irma and Maria to assist with mass yacht salvage and cleanup. Working as a commercial diver he was doing everything from cleaning cruise ship propellors to working alongside ‘Beyond The Reef’ on the epic Willy T and Sharkplano dive projects. A real water-man, he loves nothing more than kiting, diving or fishing and he can’t wait to welcome his guests onboard!
Chef: Katie Harrison
Chef Katie has been in the industry 9 years, working on yachts in the Med and the Caribbean since 2016. She’s passionate about feeding her guests as much fresh, local produce as possible, supporting local businesses and farms in the BVI, and has forged great relationships with some of the best local suppliers.
Her favourite type of cooking? Fresh, healthy and vibrant dishes whilst saving a little room for dessert… because everyone knows we don’t count calories on the water.
Alongside her partner, Francois, she cannot wait to welcome guests and show them what the home of ‘nature’s little secrets’ has to offer!
Mate/Stewardess: Kat
Francois and Katie are joined by experienced mate/stew, Kat.